Advantages And Disadvantages Of Quantitative And Qualitative Research

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Quantitative And Qualitative Research

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Quantitative And Qualitative, Research is a systematic inquiry process that includes data gathering, documentation of important information, analysis, and interpretation of that data and information in accordance with appropriate procedures established by particular academic and professional disciplines.

There are basically two main research methods one can employ while carrying out a research work. They are; Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods.

You can make a better choice if you are aware of the benefits and drawbacks of these research methods. Depending on the nature of study, both approaches are highly useful. A mixed method approach is used in some dissertations and research papers to combine qualitative and quantitative methodologies at different stages in order to gain a wider viewpoint.

Quantitative Research

Quantitative methods work with numerical data and quantifiable forms. It employs a methodical approach of looking into events or data. It offers justifications for connections between quantifiable factors used to either explain, forecast, or regulate an event.

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Only when it is true, precise, and trustworthy can it be considered valuable and helpful.

It is of 3 types namely:

  • Survey research
  • Correlational research
  • Descriptive research

Advantages of Quantitative Research

1. It can be examined and tested.

In order to do quantitative research, thorough experimental planning and the capacity for universal test and result replication are important. As a result, the information you collect is more trustworthy and less subject to debate.

2. Uncomplicated analysis

The type of findings you get from collecting quantitative data can help you decide which statistical tests to run. As a result, your data interpretation and presentation of your findings will be simple and less vulnerable to error and subjectivity.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Quantitative And Qualitative

3. Authenticity

Many individuals don’t understand the mathematics needed in such research, thus it is valued and impressive when it requires extensive statistics and data analysis. Technical innovations like computer modeling, stock picking, portfolio evaluation, and other data-driven business decisions are connected to quantitative research. We can often associate quantitative research with distinction and worth, which can be positive for small business.

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Disadvantages Of Quantitative Research

1. Wrong emphasis on numbers

Researchers may miss more significant themes and connections as a result of quantitative research’s potential limitations in its pursuit of specific, statistical linkages. You run the danger of overlooking unexpected or big-picture information that could help your organization if you only concentrate on the numbers.

2. Difficult model set-up

Creating a hypothesis and a model for data collection and analysis are crucial steps in doing quantitative research. All of your results could be invalidated by setup issues, researcher bias, or execution blunders. Even formulating a hypothesis can be subjective, particularly if you already know what you want to prove or disprove in terms of a particular question.

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3. Deception

Many individuals believe that quantitative research is more trustworthy or scientific than observational, qualitative research since it is based on numbers. Both types of study, nevertheless, have the potential to be fallacious and biased. Quantitative approaches to data collection are just as likely to be influenced by a researcher’s prejudices and opinions. In fact, the effects of this bias are felt earlier in the quantitative research process than they are in the qualitative research process.

4. Expensive nature

Quantitative research has a comparatively high cost. If you’ve ever carried out an offline or online study that involved sending out questionnaires to specific study groups, you can attest to the pricey nature of this research. The research job can get more expensive when it involves prominent businesses.

Qualitative Research Method

Qualitative research method uses Open-ended questions to acquire data through conversational methods. The responses gathered are primarily non-numerical. This approach aids in the researcher’s comprehension of participants’ thoughts and the reasons behind their opinions.

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There are five different types of qualitative research, namely:

  • Focus groups
  • One-on-one interviews
  • Text analysis
  • Ethnographic studies

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Contrary to quantitative research, it does not numerically or statistically quantify the hypothesis. Instead of a simple “yes” or “no,” it takes a more exploratory approach with the “how” and “why,” which are more in-depth. Qualitative research focuses more on words and meanings than quantitative research does on numbers.

Advantages of Qualitative Research Method

1. Generalization of data

With the aid of qualitative research, the researcher is still able to present more generalized data despite the diversity of viewpoints and beliefs.

2. Authenticity and Accuracy

Since qualitative research focuses on human experiences and observations, it has a more authentic sense. With a more solid base, the researcher can collect accurate data. The respondents to the researcher are genuine, uncensored, and imaginative in their responses, which guarantees more reliable data.

3. Flexibility

This research method does not rigidly adhere to a predetermined set of questions but rather is more open. This adds context to the research rather than just providing raw data. The interviewer can also delve deeper and can ask any questions about the topic that they feel are pertinent or had not previously considered during the conversations. They can even change the conditions.

Disadvantages Of Qualitative Research Method

1. Small sample size

In qualitative research, the sample sizes are typically minimal.

2. Bias in sample

The researchers are in charge of formulating pertinent queries and selecting relevant data. This may cause biases to creep into the data.
Self-selection bias results from recruiting volunteers to take part in focus groups or interviews.

3. False data

In qualitative research, participants are gathered to respond to questions in controlled settings. By changing how participants feel about the topic, this might affect the data they provide. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Quantitative And Qualitative

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4. Uncertainty

It can be challenging to know for sure whether the questions being asked are the best or most appropriate ones for the project. When time is a constraint, researchers may find it difficult to choose the best questions.

Summary Advantages And Disadvantages Of Quantitative And Qualitative

Quantitative and qualitative research are both valuable in the field of information collection. It is important to assess the purpose of the research, the size of the target group or subject matter, and the expenses involved to choose the most reliable research strategy.

Frequently Asked Questions About Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods

What is the limitation of quantitative research?

With this research method, conclusions are based on numerical responses, which gives you a little less insight into the ideas, motives, and drivers of your group. You’re missing a crucial element: context.

What are the two categories of research?

Research methods fall into two primary categories: qualitative research methods and quantitative research methods.

What benefits do qualitative method of research offer?

You can understand human experience by using qualitative research to pose questions that are difficult to answer with quantitative data.

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